8th International Conference on Food Safety & Regulatory Measures

March 14-15, 2025       Renaissance London Heathrow Hotel, UK

Tentative Program

Nchumbeni Humtsoe

Nchumbeni Humtsoe

Department of Fisheries & Aquatic Resources, Government of Nagaland, India.

Abstract Title: Some of the important medicinal wild plants and herbs available in Northeast India and their health benefits.


Dr. Nchumbeni Humtsoe obtained her Ph.D. Degree from University of Mumbai, India on the topic “Growth performance and biochemical composition of Labeo rohita to feed containing Katelysia opima and Nerita species,” and completed an additional course on “Professional planning and development programme in fisheries” from CIFE, Kolkatta, India. She had represented scientist team from India and attended 7th Indo-Pacific fish Conference at Taiwan and presented a paper on topic, “Effect of arsenic on the enzymes of freshwater fish Labeo Rohita” which was published in reputed international journal. She had presented several research papers on various topics related to fisheries and aquaculture, nutrition and food technologies at national and international levels held at India, Osaka Japan, Rome Italy, San Antonio Texas, Chicago Illinios. She is a competent researcher and can work well in team with good communication skill and tackle any challenges positively. She is specialized in fish nutrition and feeding technologies. She also has a strong zeal to study more on the medicinal plants and its health benefits available in the wild. She is a life member of Indian Fisheries Association since 2008 and currently working as a Sr. Fishery Inspector in the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Government of Nagaland, India.

Research Interest:

The Northeastern states of India that comprises of eight sister states viz. Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura. Northeast India has a wealth of medicinal plants that make their way to Indian and foreign markets. Medicinal plants are an important bio-resource of Northeast India. For the detail study of these medicinal plants, interaction with local people involved either in collection or having knowledge about the collection in and adjoining areas. Important medicinal plants such as Aconitum feorx (Indian Aconite), Aconitum heterophyllum (Indian Atees), Swertia chiryata (Chirayita), Coptis teeta (Mishmi teeta/Gold thread), Podophyllum hexandrum (May Apple), Illicium griffithii (Star Anise), Berginia ciliate (Winter Begonia), Paris polyphylla (Himalayan Paris), Homalomena aromatica (Scented Arum), Garcinia spp. (Sap tree), Oroxylum indicum (Broken bones), Smilax glabra (Sarsa Parilla) etc. are all available in the forests of Northeast India. Some of the common medicinal plants found in Nagaland are Paris polyphylla, Valeriana wallichii, Hypericum perforatum, Taxus baccata, Cephalotaxus griffithii, Aconitum napellus, Curcuma caesia, Aplinia galangal, Homalomena aromatica, Cephalotaxus griffithii and Emblica officinalis. The study reveals that there is destruction on natural habitat of these medicinal plants due to excessive collection. Most of the important medicinal plants which are used in the formulations are being threatened in North-East India. Therefore, there should be conservation measures like establishment of Medicinal Plants Conservation Areas (MPCAs) in potential habitat and species specific of such important and endemic medicinal plants of the region. Moreover, local inhabitants need to be aware of conservation and cultivation activities for their socio-economic upliftment. The phytochemical investigation including alkaloid extraction and isolation along with few clinical trials could help in creating mass awareness regarding the need for conservation of these medicinal plants besides contributing to the preservation and enrichment of the gene bank of such economically important species before they become extinct.

Keywords: Medicinal plants of Northeast India, Health benefits, MPCAs, Alkaloids extraction and Isolation